The company has a registered research and developmnent group (R&D) n.0405-001 with 35 registered researchers and technical associates, who are dynamically organized for internal and external research and development projects. Each year we have 5 internal and 4 external ongoing projects. We work with European institutions of knowledge.


The company has a registered research and developmnent group (R&D) n.0405-001 with 35 registered researchers and technical associates, who are dynamically organized for internal and external research and development projects. Each year we have 5 internal and 4 external ongoing projects. We work with European institutions of knowledge.

Home projects

The purpose of the project is to identify, develop, test and validate flexible, cognitive robotic applications for the needs of the workplaces of the production activities in toolmaking. The aim is to develop a hybrid robotic workplace (RiDM) where a robot will assist the production workers in carrying out the production tasks, including with the tools of augmented reality (AR) and the use of automated transport deivices of the production logistics (AVG).

A smart factory model for the needs of toolmaking will also be developed – Orodjarna 4.0, the integral part of which will be the above-mentioned RiDM.

Information on presentations, flyers, reports, etc. related to the project can be found at this link.

As a branch company, we are participating in the national project Human Resources Development Competence Center in Toolmaking (KOR), which operates within the C25 activity – Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment. In addition to the project office (TECOS), the competence partner (Kompetenca d.o.o. ), this partnershio includes 16 companies: ŽUST-AL d.o.o., 3 CNC d.o.o., KERN d.o.o., ANTON BLAJ d.o.o., EMO ORODJARNA d.o.o., GORENJE ORODJARNA d.o.o., KOLEKTOR ORODJARNA d.o.o., KOVINOPLASTIKA LOŽ d.d., DAFRA d.o.o., IMAS d.o.o., AMBI-METALPLAST d.o.o., IKOR d.o.o., ROBOTEH d.o.o., VIVAPEN D.O.O., TEHNOS d.o.o. and ODELO Slovenia d.o.o.

The main result of the project, which concluded on 31 December 2018, is a practically applicable competency model with defined competences for key employee profiles in branch companies.

Within the project, at least 1283 employees will be included in the trainings in accordance with all identified employment profiles. The trainings relate to leadership competences, implementation of changes, social and sales skills and human resource management skills, implementation of digitalization as well as specific technological skills from machine management, product development software tools, implementation of standardization, robotization, materials and technologies related to tool industry.

The measures being implemented within the operation:

M 1 Electronic exchange between the partners
In the company, the data exchange (CAD, CAM, 2D and 3D data) with buyers takes place exclusively electronically. However, challenges arise in the management of these data, especially in the changes that occur during the development phase of the construction and technology for the production of tools. Thus, we are constantly electronically connected with all our clients. The systematic management of these data is also a great challenge, since every automotive client (Mercedes, VW, BMW …) has their own way of communicating electronically. In the company, we have to electronically adapt to each client separately. This is why we want to establish a system for managing CAD data and projects. The system will include a special tree structure of folders on a dedicated server, which will be used for storing the intermediate and end products of construction and technology. At the same time, the system will also include an “electronic project folder” that will facilitate the planning and control of project implementation. With the establishment of the system, we expect greater efficiency in project planning and implementation. This will result in a shorter time of tool production and thus increase the company’s competitiveness.

M 2 Digitization of participation in fairs
The company is export-oriented and so far it has not been actively presenting itself in international fairs. One of the reasons was that we did not have a proper and modern presentation of the company. With this measure, we will prepare a design, production and post-production of the company’s interactive presentation. The scenario and content design of the interactive presentation with all the necessary 2D and 3D animations will be developed. The interactive presentation will be created in both Slovenian and English.

M 3 Websites for the foreign markets
The search for marketing channels so far is the same as in the last 20 years. In most cases, buyers from abroad found us on their own. In the time of modern telecommunications, this principle shows deficiencies . In the foreign companies, there are less and less older commercialists, who are replaced by younger associates with no experience. The latter use websites to find new market opportunities more and more frequently. In this area, however, the company has greatly regressed. We have a website that is not updated, is non-functional and uninteresting. With this measure, we will design and create a modern optimal and attractive company website. The website will contain interesting content, appropriate navigation, typical pages and subpages designed in accordance with the CGP, with the integration of individual modules that will surpass the websites of the competition and reference websites.

M 5 Product-sales video
The company will design and produce a promotional creative video in both Slovenian and foreign language. It will be filmed on the company’s production premises with state-of-the-art filming equipment and contemporary scenography.

M 6 Strengthening of competences – training
In its research, the World Economic Forum (WEF) listed 10 competences that will be critical for the competitiveness of companies in the transition to Industry 4.0 by 2020. Within the project, we will organize workshops for the five most important competences on the WEF’s list: solving complex problems and critical thinking, creativity and working with people and coordination of work. The expected result of the acquired knowledge is easier management of production processes and thus increasing their efficiency, which in the long run will have a positive impact on the competitiveness of the company.

International projects

The FACTS4WORKERS (Worker-Centric Workplaces in Smart Factories) project is part of the Horizon 2020 program with the purpose of creating attractive and intelligent work environments in smart factories. The company EMO – Orodjarna d.o.o. is one of the 15 research partners from seven countries, united in a consortium led by the VIRTUAL VEHICLE Research Center from Graz, Austria. The aims of the project are: raising the problem-solving abilities and the level of innovativeness of workers and increasing their average productivity. The goal is also to increase the workers’ cognitive satisfaction.

The automotive and metal industries have seen an increase in the use of laser technologies in the recent years. Laser processing of materials enables flexibility and a high level of productivity and precision. In order to ensure competitiveness in the global market, laser systems and “heads” have to be developed that allow for greater versatility and complexity and at the same time allow for the control and modification of various process parameters (laser power, custom beam focusing, etc.).

Real-time control is a serious problem for the researchers of laser process technologies. One of the methods of real-time control is controlling the thermal radiation, the geometric size of the melt of the weld pool and dynamic control of the surface texture.

The purpose of the MAShES project is to develop a single and compact system for real-time control that will enable:

  • precise control of temperature distribution,
  • control of the 3D profile of a weld / clad and 2D geometry of the weld/clad melt
  • dynamic control of the surface texture.

The development of new biomaterials is becoming an increasingly important branch in the market. Currently used materials can be harmful to the health due to the excretion of metal ions in the body. At the same time, certain materials also have inadequate composition, which leads to unsuitable properties of such materials to be used for medical purposes. Therefore, it is necessary to develop better materials that are biocompatible and that have the appropriate chemical and mechanical properties. To this end, the NewBioGen project was suported, under the auspices of FP7, the aim of which is the development and new production of biomaterials to develop a new generation of orthopedic bio implants. The process would be based on the additive powder technology with the laser cladding technique with the ZrO2/Zr. The project is being implemented in collaboration with ten partners, led by the SOCINSER company from Spain.